Showing 49–53 of 53 results

  • SARMS - S-23® (SARMS)

    SARMS – S-23® SARMS


    SARMS – S-23® (SARMS)
    20 mg/ml 30 ml

    Each 30ml bottle contains 20mg/ml of S-23®, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) developed for its potential to enhance muscle mass and bone density. S-23® has been researched for its ability to selectively bind to androgen receptors in muscle tissue, promoting anabolic effects without the androgenic side effects associated with traditional anabolic steroids.

    It is used by athletes and bodybuilders as an alternative to traditional steroids for its potential to promote muscle growth and improve physical performance. However, it’s essential to use S-23® responsibly and under medical supervision.

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  • SEMAGLUTIDE® Peptides & Hormones

    SEMAGLUTIDE® Peptides & Hormones


    SEMAGLUTIDE® (Peptides & Hormones)
    2mg per vial

    Each vial contains 2mg of Semaglutide®, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA) used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity. Semaglutide® works by mimicking the effects of natural GLP-1, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin secretion and reducing glucagon secretion. In addition to its glucose-lowering effects, Semaglutide® has been shown to promote weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing appetite.

    It is administered via subcutaneous injection and is typically used in conjunction with diet and exercise to improve glycemic control and aid in weight management. It’s important to use Semaglutide® under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

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  • Sale! Triiodothyronine

    T3 (Triiodothyronine)

    Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $90.00.

    T3 (Triiodothyronine)
    200mcg / 30ml

    Each 30ml bottle contains a total of 200mcg of Triiodothyronine, commonly known as T3. T3 is a thyroid hormone involved in regulating metabolism, energy production, and body temperature. It is used medically to treat conditions such as hypothyroidism and thyroid hormone replacement therapy. In bodybuilding and athletic circles, T3 is sometimes used as a fat loss aid due to its ability to increase metabolic rate and promote thermogenesis. However, it’s crucial to use T3 responsibly and under medical supervision.

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  • Winstrol Depot (Stanozolol)


    Winstrol Depot (oral/injectable)
    10ml  (50mg/ml)

    Winstrol Depot (Stanozolol) – Each 10ml vial contains a concentration of 50mg/ml of Stanozolol, commonly known as Winstrol. Winstrol is an anabolic steroid available in both oral and injectable forms. It is popular among athletes and bodybuilders for its potential to promote lean muscle mass, enhance strength, and improve athletic performance. Winstrol is often used during cutting cycles to help reduce body fat while preserving muscle mass and enhancing muscle definition. However, it’s important to use Winstrol responsibly and under medical supervision.

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  • Sale!


    Original price was: $600.00.Current price is: $550.00.


    Each GENOTROPIN cartridge contains 36 international units (IU) of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). GENOTROPIN is a synthetic form of growth hormone used for therapeutic purposes in adults and children with growth hormone deficiency or certain medical conditions. It works by stimulating growth, cell reproduction, and regeneration in the body. GENOTROPIN is administered via subcutaneous injection and is typically used under the supervision of a healthcare professional. 

    Bodybuilders use GENOTROPIN, a synthetic form of Human Growth Hormone (HGH), as a performance-enhancing drug to achieve various physique and performance goals. When used by bodybuilders, GENOTROPIN is typically employed in cycles called “cycles” or “cycles” of use, with dosages and durations varying based on individual goals, tolerance, and experience.

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